Meine Beschreibung ist : Hello! I am a hard-working, charismatic young woman with a personality that stands out. Although I am tender and kind, I also have a dominant attitude when the situation requires it, and I love to take control of things. My vanity leads me to take care of my image, and I have a pampered way of being that has helped me achieve what I want. I like to surround myself with positive and motivating environments, always seeking to grow and improve in all aspects of my life. Nice to meet you!
Ich mag nicht: I don't like lies and I value honesty above all. Furthermore, I am one of those who prefer to enjoy Sundays without working.
Ich mag: I am a lover of hamburgers, cats and, of course, smelling delicious. I love honesty and enjoying good food. I always seek to surround myself with things that make me happy and authentic. Nice to meet you!
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